PAMI was created based on a dynamic ecosystem with strong interaction between different partners: the scientific community, the private and public sectors. The Central Region has a crucial industrial dynamic due to the excellent cooperation between the scientific community and industrial sector. In 2015, this was proved through the strategies defined between key players within the region as a numerous industrial research projects such as CEMICRO and ToolingEdge. Since then this dynamic evolved to a more tightened collaboration between key players, leading to a more demanding and higher number of national and international R&D projects such as ADD.ADDITIVE, TOOLING4G and PRODUTECH SIF mobilising projects; and ADDISPACE, Circular Seas and STRETCHTRONICS international AM projects. PAMI has the full support of industry/business associations (Cefamol,, Nerlei) as well as major industry groups, the scientific community, Technology Transfer (IPN) and Technology Centres (CENTIMFE). PAMI has two fundamental poles: Coimbra (Materials (UC), Robotics (ISR), Medicine (CNC)) and Leiria/Marinha Grande (Tooling, AM Systems). Each one is performing technical and advanced training in their Training Factories for stakeholders.