
PAMI focus on the development and exploitation of layer-by-layer manufacturing technology to develop high-value personalised products, materials and processes, moving from bench side to the society, believing that we are in the cusp of the 4th Industrial Revolution (4th IR), which is likely to fundamentally alter the way we work, live and relate to one another. It aims to respond to a crucial competitiveness challenge and threat to future property, thus closing the gap between R&D activities and the development of technological innovations in manufacturing.


PAMI is based in a clever distribution of excellent infrastructures within central region of Portugal (Leiria/Coimbra) with different areas of speciality: Mechanical, Materials, Electrical Engineering, and Biosciences, pursuing the following aims: a) fostering novel research areas/interdisciplinary fields, and to contribute for the advancement of science and technology (S&T); b) to encourage, support and help in creation of products and launch of spin off companies from the current research institutes in fields of engineering and medical sciences; c) to provide educational services and prepare the new generation of engineers; and d) to provide prototyping services to external companies/Institutes.

To fulfil its goals, PAMI is dedicated to the following 3 main activities:
reinforcement of regional/national/international partnerships;
– strengthening human resources skills in AM and related areas;
– developing a national/worldwide impactful research community in AM and related areas.


The PAMI Consortium is currently composed of five partners.
Other entities are in the process of becoming PAMI partners.